Thomas Arret
This brought up an extremely important point because finding psychologists who specifically target this sort of situation may be difficult.
I approached Thomas outside of a Kroger on his way out of the store. He was a software engineer at a local bank who was kind enough to ask a few questions. On questioning him about his involvement with burn victims and whether a platform would help he answered, “ although personally I haven’t been burned and I don’t know anyone that has been burned that seriously, I feel that access to psychologists would be extremely helpful. having people to talk to would be nice But some professional help would be alternative route to help”. Giving access to these psychologists on our website could be very helpful
Shree Parikh
Pamphlets aren’t always as appealing as talks and programs at high schools and colleges.
I met this pre-medicine student at Michigan State University at a local bowling alley, and I was bowling right next to him. He overheard me talking about the platform to our non-profit and approached me. As he walked up to me, he told me he was a burn victim and pulled up to show a large scare covering 1/4 of his right thigh. Upon asking him what he thought could be improved to our idea he explained,”well I think a platform would be nice but there should also be areas for people to write out their huge stories so that they can relate to each other. Also, there should be ways to educate people better than pamphlets such as doing programs at schools and things like that”.
Ryan Capain
"You guys should attempt the partner the website with different hospitals so that there is one centralized location that burn victims can go to for emotional support..."
Outside of a Kroger I met a healthcare management student at the University of Michigan. Through our conversation she began to gain great interest in our project. She began to build on our idea of the platform. "...the platform and physical support through the hospital. Also , the hospitals should endorse the website and partner up with the website.”
Oscar Rapport
"A platform that allows people to connect with each other could be helpful, but maybe there is something you have to do that goes beyond that. I am not really sure what that is but I think it is something to consider.”
At the line at a movie theatre I met Oscar and began to explain our idea to him. Little did I know that his family was largely affected by burns” about 15 years ago when I was 2 years old, my house had burned down. My parents lost everything and my dad burned his right arm severely. My mom would constantly get mad at him since even a decade later, he would be conscious about his burns. My dad doesn’t really talk much of the instance due to the pain that he went through, but it was a very difficult situation for him. He told me that to this day his father will wear long sleeve shirts in order to protect the burns and that a platform to talk to others would be very helpful.
Claire Jaren
Education is a vital point to letting people know the importance of this issue.
Claire was another woman that I met outside of a Kroger which is a local grocery store. She explained to me that she didn’t realize that getting burned was that large of an issue. Although she has gotten major burns, she hadn’t realized the prevalence of burn victims and how important it was. She said that she would have to be educated on the topic before she would even think about solutions for the problem. “I mean I don’t really think that burns are that big of a problem but if you say it is that important that I believe that you have to educate people more. To me, this isn’t that big of a problem but that is probably cause i just don’t know much about it.
Ryan Capain
Outside of a Kroger I met a healthcare management student at the University of Michigan. Through our conversation she began to gain great interest in our project. She began to build on our idea of the platform. “You guys should attempt the partner the website with different hospitals so that there is one centralized location that burn victims can go to for emotional although the platform and physical support through the hospital. Also , the hospitals should endorse the website and partner up with the website.”
Oscar Rapport
At the line at a movie theatre I met Oscar and began to explain our idea to him. Little did I know that his family was largely affected by burns” about 15 years ago when I was 2 years old, my house had burned down. My parents lost everything and my dad burned his right arm severely. My mom would constantly get mad at him since even a decade later, he would be conscious about his burns. My dad doesn’t really talk much of the instance due to the pain that he went through, but it was a very difficult situation for him. A platform that allows people to connect with each other could be helpful, but maybe there is something you have to do that goes beyond that. I am not really sure what that is but I think it is something to consider.” He told me that to this day his father will wear long sleeve shirts in order to protect the burns and that a platform to talk to others would be very helpful.
Claire Jaren
Claire was another woman that I met outside of a Kroger which is a local grocery store. She explained to me that she didn’t realize that getting burned was that large of an issue. Although she has gotten major burns, she hadn’t realized the prevalence of burn victims and how important it was. She said that she would have to be educated on the topic before she would even think about solutions for the problem. “I mean I don’t really think that burns are that big of a problem but if you say it is that important that I believe that you have to educate people more. To me, this isn’t that big of a problem but that is probably cause i just don’t know much about it. Education is a vital point to letting people know the importance of this issue.
Fanny Smith*
Nurse’s Assistant: Private Sector
Fanny is not really involved in charity or non-profit work because she said that it is not something she’s ever thought about. However, Fanny added that she does try to help people by sending clothes and items to people back in her home country. Fanny talked about a friend she has as a child who is a burn survivor, whose name is Mary. Mary’s mother was boiling hot water, because she had to mix it with cold water for a bath, since there was no hot water. Mary was running, Fanny added that she doesn’t know why she was running, but she rad into her mother and the hot water that her mother cooked poured on her. Her whole body burned, especially her face, and it was difficult to get the surgery that she needed in that past. In out community, many people had sympathy for her when they saw her and heard what happened. She wasn’t treated badly because people felt sorry for her. Fanny was friends with Mary, adding that they lived in the same neighborhood, because both of their fathers were in the military so they grew up in barracks. As Fanny grew up, she became more comfortable with her situation, and her body, because in the barracks, everyone knew what happened, and there was no judgement. Fanny thinks that if she didn’t live in the barracks and people didn’t understand what happened, people would judge her and not talk to her. “Children are like that,” Fanny stated, “they avoid people that are different from them”, like people that have been burned or disabled people. Mary went through a lot of pain, her face was burned and her mother was very upset because she was thinking that if she could have done something differently, her daughter wouldn’t have been burned. Her mother felt guilty all the time.
“I also got burned when I was a child,” Fanny adds. As the kids were playing and running around, her mother took something from the stove, and Fanny ran into her mother, burning her stomach. Her parents rushes her to the hospital, and the burn wasn’t as bad as Mary’s, she added. Mary suffered third degree burns, and I had 2nd degree burns only on my stomach.
Fanny states that she is very aware of the dangers of getting burned because it’s happened to her, and people she know. “Parents have to be careful because kids are always running all over the place,” she says.
Mary has 3 kids. When she had her first child, she was very careful with him, because she knew about the dangers of getting burned. Children could have very low self-esteem because of burn disfigurement, because “children laugh at children.”
To prevent her kids from getting burned, she made sure that whenever she was cooking her kids were playing or occupied, and also kept an eye on them. She also used socket guards when her kids were younger.
“Children are like that,” Fanny stated, “they avoid people that are different from them, like people that have been burned or disabled people.’’
Her mother felt guilty all the time.
Children could have very low self-esteem because of burn disfigurement, because “children laugh at children.”
Ian Reyes
High School Student
Ian states that he works with non-profit and charity organizations, especially related to education. Ian’s school took students on volunteer trips where he helped clean up communities, however, it was only a one time thing. Ian mentioned that he is in a summer program where he works with kids as an advisor, and helps students with academic difficulties. He tutors kids through the program, and prepares kids for the next grade.
When asked what motivates him to work with non-profit organizations, and volunteer, Ian stated that simply knowing that he’s doing good, and helping people is enough to motivate him. He also added that when he was younger, he was helped by others with his academics, so being an advisor to younger kids through that summer program is his way to give back.
Ian does not know any burn survivors. When asked what his parents did to prevent him from getting burned, Ian stated that his parents did not let him use the stove, and activities related to fire, even with adult supervision.
He was helped by others with his academics, so being an advisor to younger kids through that summer program is his way to give back.
Timmy Turner*
Timmy volunteers at the nursing home his grandmother stays in, and also works with a non-profit company called Olive Branch, which “provides goods to transitioning families or people going from centers to their own homes.” They give families necessities to help them, and prevent them from possibly returning to centers and shelters. Timmy also states that when he was young he got lost once, and his phone was dead. He couldn’t contact anyone, and he thought that that must have been how it felt to be without a home or family, with nobody to contact. Alone. Lost. He started to volunteer because he didn’t want anyone to ever feel that way. Having an enlightening experience is what motivated him.
Timmy does not know any burn victims however, he stated that his parent taught him at an early age about the dangers of fire, and how people can get burned. Timmy said that his parents lit a small controlled fire (with candles) and showed him how hot it was, and as a result, he learned to stay away. Timmy mentioned that even to this day he’s careful when opening ovens, and when he’s around the stove because of the lesson he learned when he was younger.
Alone. Lost. He started to volunteer because he didn’t want anyone to ever feel that way. Having an enlightening experience is what motivated him.
Natalie Pena
Natalie is in a program called Prep for Prep, which is a program that develops leadership skills, and helps students of color have access to private and independent schools. Natalie stated that if it wasn’t for Prep for Prep, she wouldn’t be in the school that she is in right now. She is very grateful for the opportunity that she was given through Prep for Prep. Natalie worked with a scholarship program that she couldn’t recall the name of. In the program she tutors students that were having academic difficulties and are behind in class. Natalie also works with Prep for Prep in an admissions committee, where she looks for candidates for Prep for Prep, and helps students get into the program.
When asked what motivated her to work with students and volunteer in general, Natalie said that Prep for Prep recommended the programs she could volunteer in, and she enjoys helping people, so she got involved. Natalie also added that she volunteers to give back to her community, adding that she was given an amazing opportunity through Prep for Prep so she wanted to give that opportunity to more people. In a way, Prep for Prep has created a positive feedback loop, with former admitants getting involved in their community, and helping more students discover Prep for Prep.
Natalie’s uncle is a burn survivor. He was in a very bad car accident where his car caught on fire, resulting in burns all over his body. Natalie added that the scars on his face are still there, but he’s “ a lot better now.” She also stated that after the accident, he was really concerned about his kids because could have died in that accident, so they were all that were on his mind. Natalie added that she thinks that the Burned Angels platform would be really helpful, and also said that she thinks emotional support is very important because of the disfigurement that results from burns.
Natalie is aware of the risks of getting burned because of the accident her uncle was in, but also because of her parents, who made her aware of the risks. Her parents told her not to use the stove, said that there was no playing with fire, and even wouldn’t let her use the microwave without adult supervision. Natalie stated that even recently, she bought a Bath and Body Works candle, and used a match to light it, slightly burning her finger, and her parents didn’t allow her to use candles anymore. She added that her father was police officer for 20 years, so he’s aware of the risks or being burned and is also a bit paranoid, resulting in her parents being very cautious when it comes to her safety.
She was given an amazing opportunity through Prep for Prep so she wanted to give that opportunity to more people.
Jacob Johnson*
Jacob donates his paintings to organizations, that auction off items and donate the money to non-profit organizations. Jacob says that he doesn’t directly volunteer because donating paintings is simply his way of helping out, and he has donated thousands of dollars to nonprofits through his paintings.
Jacob knows a few burn survivors. His friend was burned while they were cooking, when the oil on the stove exploded and burned their face. They were an adult when they were burned, and they quickly went to the hospital, and is okay. Another burn survivor Jacob knows is a client of his sister. Jacobs sister was braiding her clients hair, and sealing the ends with hot water, however, the water spilled on the customer and burned her back. Jacob said that in both cases, the burn survivors were in a lot of physical pain, however, he wasn’t aware of any emotional turmoil they might have been going through because it wasn’t really something he talked about with them.
Jacob states that when he was a kid, his parents told him not to play with fire or matches, and he also tells his kids the same thing.
He wasn’t aware of any emotional turmoil they might have been going through because it wasn’t really something he talked about with them.
Jennifer Chan
Home Care Nurse
Jennifer volunteers with an organization called SAGE that helps elderly members of the LGBTQ community with any problems that they might have. Jennifer volunteers because she thinks that it is rewarding to give back to communities, and help people in need. Jennifer said that to her, it is important to support senior citizens, and the gay community, so SAGE is the perfect place for her to volunteer.
Jennifer knows a few burn survivors. In elementary school, she had a friend whose family member threw a pot of boiling water at his face, and as a result, half of his face is disfigured. Jennifer also adds that she isn’t sure if he was self conscious about it because it wasn’t something that they talked about.
As a home care nurse, Jennifer also mentions that many clients have diabetes and numbness so if they lean on a heater, or hot pipe, they often burn themselves and aren’t aware. She added that someone who was diabetic got burned on the soles of their feet while they were at the beach, and because of poor circulation, and numbness, the burns worsened without them noticing until it became very severe.
Lastly, Jennifer mentioned that her parents taught her to be careful near flames and use overmitts, so she was aware of the risks of getting burned from a young age.
Jennifer also adds that she isn’t sure if he was self conscious about it because it wasn’t something that they talked about.
Hannah Miller
High School Admissions
Hannah volunteers and donates money to an organization called Opportunity Network. The mission of Opportunity Network is to help students from public schools get the skills and tools they need to get into amazing and competitive colleges, and great jobs as well. At Opportunity Network Hannah does mock interviews to help students practice. She found out about opportunity network because they shared an office with the old non-profit she used to work with. Hannah also highlighted that they had an amazing email campaign that made it very easy for people to get involved. If you wanted to sign up for an event you could easily do it within the email, making the campaigns quick and efficient.
Hannah stated that she doesn’t personally know any burn survivors, however, she does read a blog called Nene’s Dialogues, which is about a mother of four who goes through daily life. Nene was in an accident which resulted in her receiving severe burns over 80 percent of her body. Hannah said that the blog shows daily life through the lens of a burn survivor. It is very vulnerable and honest about her experience, the writing is amazing so it is also very interesting to read. Lastly, Hannah said that she was aware that she had to stay away from fires as a kid, however, she doesn’t remember her parents explicitly telling her to stay away from fires because she was probably really young, but it definitely happened, she added.
If you wanted to sign up for an event you could easily do it within the email, making the campaigns quick and efficient.
Hannah said that the blog shows daily life through the lens of a burn survivor. It is very vulnerable and honest about her experience.