About 7 years ago, I had some extremely hot substances including boiled water spilled on me in an accident leaving me with 2nd and 3rd degree burns from the top of my stomach to the bottom of my right knee. At first it was just a shock that something like this had just happened to me but slowly would it settle that this had actually occurred. My biggest worry was what others would think and say when I couldn’t participate in gym or have to go to the bathroom 10 times a day to change my dressing. I worried if I would be able to wear a bathing suit again without remarks from others questioning the big scars on my leg and stomach. However as I got older I realized the world, although sometimes cruel, has its positives and looking with eyes of optimism is how one can see this. Rather than looking at the fact I got burned, look at it through the view that I am still alive, I am still healthy and active. I have a blessed life with a loving and caring family alongside such supportive friends. Although I got burned not a drop hit my face leaving me blessed that I didn’t need any procedure done on such a potent part of the people interaction. I am blessed, although once in a plethora pain, I am blessed to still be here standing.
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